all of a sudden, I remembered a bulletin that one of my friends posted...
it's about a commercial break on tv...
I preferred not to tell which commercial break...
but it is a commercial break from a famous and well known company...
even, I'm one of the costumer of this company...
let say, I tried not to be bias...
but, one thing I want to ask here...
do you really take each and every commercial break seriously???
I mean in terms of whether the commercial breaks are logic or not...
from my point of view...
some of us do take it into a serious matter...
maybe we should consider one important thing...
whether the commercial breaks are suitable for all viewers or not...
because the viewers consist from the kids to the adults...
I hope that my friend will think again before she said...
you can't hope everything will be perfect...
and if you want a logic and a commercial break that has ******* values...
then, make your own commercial break...
don't just critics but you don't give them some suggestions...
many people can critic but how many can give suggestion to improve something???
Labels: My Thoughts
for some people they don't really like today...
from what I understand and know, today can be considered as a bad day...
actually, I don't really know fully about today...
but whatever it is all about...
I respect their believes...
but in this modern day...
is there anyone who is still believe in Friday the 13th???
I don't have the answer...
Labels: My Thoughts
show me the exit...
I'm so bored...
get me out of here...
it feels like for ages I've been here...
doing nothing...
earning nothing...
only messing up my brain with nothing...
just wondering...
what will you do when you don't know what to do???
because I don't know what to do...
waiting for 29 June is too long...
help me!!!
Labels: General:Liyana
in less than 3 weeks I'll be going to Kuantan...
new life, new experience but with old best friends...
old best friends that I haven't met for almost 4 months...
before this I never thought that I'll survived doing everything myself...
but now, I enjoyed taking care of everything myself...
sometimes, staying far away from family can make us became more responsible to ourself...
although I admitted, there's no place like home...
one thing that I need to practice is my handwriting...
since the long break, I didn't do a lot of writing anymore...
when I start to write again, it looks terrible...
eventhough I want my campus life back...
there's one thing I don't really like about being in the campus...
those are tutorials, quizzes and mid sem exam...
because all these are compilled under carry marks and I hate knowing about my not so good carry marks...
Labels: General:Liyana
since last Tuesday...
I've been suffering from a bad cough and fever...
for me, this is the worst illness I ever had this year...
my mother said that I look terrible the 1st night I had the fever...
and today...
when I was typing this entry...
I still have the cough...
I don't know when I'll be fully recovered...
because yesterday I've finished taking the cough syrup that I get from the clinic...
now, I'm taking the cough syrup that my brother bought from the pharmacy...
hopefully, I can get well before this 29th June...
Labels: General:Liyana
Labels: House