25 November 2010

'Sepanjang perjalanan kamu dalam menuntut ilmu, dari peringkat tadika hingga ke peringkat universiti, alam kehidupan di universiti adalah yang paling menyeronokkan dan kamu akan ingat hingga ke akhir hayat kamu.' Itulah kata-kata yang diungkapkan oleh guru tuisyen aku, 6 tahun yang lalu. Pertengahan tahun 2006 merupakan saat yang paling menggembirakan buat abah, sebab aku berjaya mendapat tempat di CFS IIUM. Abah lagi seronok daripada aku, kerana baginya bukan senang nak dapat UIA. Mendapat tempat di universiti untuk kursus yang tidak berapa aku minati memang besar cabarannya. Namun sebagai manusia biasa, kita tidak dapat semua yang kita mahukan dalam hidup ini.

Cabaran hidup bermula apabila keputusan akhir semester diumumkan. Kebijaksanaan, kefahaman dan usaha yang tinggi perlu seiring. Anda tidak akan berjaya jika hanya bersandarkan kepada kepandaian semata-mata, melainkan anda memang sangat genius. Faham tetapi tidak rajin berusaha pun tidak akan membantu. Begitu juga jika rajin tetapi faham tentang tugasan yang dilakukan pun tidak akan memberi sebarang faedah. Setiap daripada kita memang berbeza dan unik, maka penilaian kita terhadap orang yang gagal mana-mana subjek atau dalam erti kata lain repeater juga berbeza.

Lewat hujung semester lepas, aku berbual dengan seorang teman yang datang ke bilik aku. Berkongsi kisah mengenai isu ini telah membawa aku ke tahap yang lain. Kami mencari silap kami, kami pergi ke kelas, menyiapkan tugasan sebelum tarikh akhir, belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh menjelang kuiz, peperiksaan pertengahan dan akhir semester, tetapi kami kecundang. Kami sedaya upaya cuba menyesuaikan diri mengikut rentak pengajaran dan pembelajaran pensyarah memandangkan setiap daripada mereka mempunyai pendekatan yang berbeza.

Selain itu, kami sedaya upaya menjaga hubungan baik dengan tuhan, ibu bapa kami, pensyarah dan juga kawan-kawan. Aku mengakui, kami risau jika gagal kerana ia menjatuhkan CGPA. Aku memang tidak suka dengan persepsi sesetengah orang yang mengatakan repeater wujud sebab tak belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Lagipun tidak elok untuk kita terus menghakimi seseorang tanpa usul periksa. Yang penting, muhasabah diri kita semula dan cari punca kepada masalah ini.

Aku bukanlah seorang yang pandai, pencapaian aku sederhana sahaja tetapi aku cuba sedaya upaya untuk berjaya. Dalam doaku, aku selalu meminta supaya diberikan pencapaian akademik yang baik, bukan untuk aku tetapi untuk kedua ibu bapa aku. Apabila aku gagal, aku kecewa kerana sedikit sebanyak kegagalan itu telah menghampakan mama dan abah. Walaupun di bibir mereka terucap kata-kata perangsang untuk aku terus berusaha pada semester baru, aku dapat rasakan hati mereka menangis.

Hidup ini penuh dengan kejutan yang tidak dijangka. Aku sangka dapat mengekalkan momentum yang sedia ada sejak peringkat matrikulasi, tetapi aku silap. Jika anda beranggapan anda akan sentiasa berada di atas, sila hentikan angan-angan itu kerana ia tidak selalunya indah. Kehidupan di universiti ternyata jauh berbeza dari kehidupan di sekolah menengah. Yang penting sentiasa beringat dan jangan terlalu selesa dengan kedudukan masing-masing.

Menjelang tiga semester terakhir aku di Kuantan, aku berharap aku akan menjadi seorang yang lebih cekal dalam menghadapi liku-liku kehidupan. Aku selalu titipkan doa semoga mama dan abah panjang umur dan dapat melihat aku terima ijazah di hari konvokesyen nanti. Selain itu, aku juga berdoa semoga aku akan sampai ke penghujung jalan ini, kerana inilah jalan yang telah aku pilih empat tahun yang lalu.

29 October 2010

Good Luck...

my roommate gave this to me last night...

creative, isn't it???

my final exams:
31th October: Advanced Calculus...
1st November: Advanced Mathematical Methods...
3rd November: Theory of Probability...
Bahasa Melayu for Science Student...
7th November: Financial Management I...
10th November: Introduction to Financial Mathematics...
13th November: Mathematical Analysis...

maybe I wouldn't be able to blog anything until 13th November...
but in case if I've something to share or if I've some time to blog, I'll do so...
until then, wish me best of luck in this final exams...
to all my friends, jawab final exam elok2...

18 October 2010

yesterday was the best day ever for this sem (so far)...
we went to Pantai Sepat, Kuantan for Community Service's big event...
my group organized a program for special kids from Sekolah Kebangsaan Kempadang, Kuantan...
*picture: credits to my friends, Linda & Putri...

there's letter 'A' behind the balloons on the left, because our program's name is "A Morning of Fun with Special Kids"...

the 1st part of the telematch, isi air dalam botol...

2nd part of the telematch, jigsaw puzzle...
and this is my group's puzzle, Toy Story...

when miss Secretary was talking to miss PM, accompanied by miss APM... LOL

during breakfast & that's my group...

last event, origami session...
from left, me, Farah, Zulfazli, Aini, Ikram, Latif and Iziani...

the hampers, good job Special Task...
two thumbs up... (^_^)

the VIPs'...

after the prize giving ceremony...

after the program...
from left, Una, Latif, Zul, Iziani, me and Pija...

just 1 more picture before we went back to UIA...

05 October 2010

All Grown Up...

we are just like them, all grown up...

this morning, I log in to Facebook as usual...

then I saw some pictures of my childhood friend...
she's engaged!!!

what else can I say except for being happy for her...
and not to forget my pray that her jodoh will last forever, InsyaAllah...

so far if I'm not mistaken, 3 of my friends already married and I don't know how many of them have been engaged, while others already graduated from the university...

how about me???
I'm a happy single girl...
still have 1 1/2 years to finish my study...
with some crazy plans (that maybe my mom wouldn't really like to hear)
for my future after I graduates from UIA...

27 September 2010

I Wish...

I wish that:
1. I can consistently maintain and try to increase my grades like I achieved last semester...
2. I can buy a new laptop since Mr. Asus Grey is heavy and big for me to bring along
around the campus...
3. I have 'wheels' to move around, hopefully (in my dreams)...
4. I can further my study somewhere else after this...
5. I still have the enthusiasm to blog like I used to have 2 years ago...

but most important...
I wish that I'll always be honest to myself in all circumstances...

11 August 2010

Ramadhan We Meet Again...

Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak...
Ramadhan we meet again... (^_^)

05 August 2010


yesterday, my friends and I did something... :D
still waiting for the pictures before I revealed it here...
clue: have something to do with water...
update: after I received the picture...

03 August 2010

Boring Tuesday...

this morning I found something interesting...
just want to share this cute picture...

02 August 2010

what's so special about today???
not big deal actually...
just these two things...

kak Asma tagged me in on of her lovely card...

for other designs, click here......
or you can simply visit her blog...

next, in the afternoon my two best friends and I went to visit my classmate Ruby...
last Thursday she gave birth to this cute baby girl...

will update with the baby's name in the future, InsyaAllah...

23 July 2010

So Crazy...

as I mentioned before, Kuantan is an upredictable place...
since last week, I faced many problems that driving me nuts!!!
Alhamdulillah, all those problems are now solved...
now it's time to concentrate on my study...

I found out that this semester core courses more interesting and unique...
because it's somehow same with the previous semester...
but there's some additional topic and the level of difficulty is higher than before...
and not to forget my 1st language class: BM...
just imagine that we have the tendency to speak English during BM class... :D
and my minor class is also more or less the same like elective...

what's up next???
hmmm, just wait and see..

19 July 2010

I'm Back-Again~

I think I left 'Alam Maya Liyana' for about 4 months...
nothing to share when I were in my 3+ months of semester breaks...
now I'm back in Kuantan, as a 3rd year CTS student...
more challenging, more stress, more crazy than before...
*life in Kuantan is unpredictable...

27 April 2010

Friend & Friendship...

when you were far away from your family...
who's beside you?
a person named friend...

when you were sad...
there's always a friend who will be by your side...
lend her shoulder for you to cry...
her ears to listen to you problems...
and her valuable time to comfort you through the hard time...

when you were sick...
she'll always there to take care of you...
make sure you'll get well soon...
although she's not as good as your mom...

when you were angry...
she'll make sure nobody disturbs you...
so that you can cool down and think rationally...

but when you are happy...
always remember that there's a person...
named friend that always stands behind you...
when no one else does...

23 March 2010

Final Exams...

dear Liyana...
study hard, study smart girl...
to all my friends, good luck...

17 February 2010

What We Did Yesterday...

facts about the picture:
1. I look chubby...
2. Nisa is not around (usually there's 3 of us)...
3. we're waiting for this movie...

Nisa, next time you MUST join us...
our next plan-coming soon 2 weeks before final exams...

13 February 2010


dear OB...
tomorrow please be nice to me okay...
it's the 15% quiz, I must score!!!

enough with the blogging, study time~ (^_^)

11 February 2010

Parenting Class...

just ignored my facial expression...
I'm tired okay~

this picture was taken during Parenting class, last Thursday...
when it comes to Thursday, I'm toasted...
starting my day from 3.30-5.00 for my MM class...

continued with UNGS 2050K from 5.00-6.30...
but usually my class ends at 6.35 p.m...
and I've to walk back to T5...
usually I arrived at my room (
I'm staying on the 4th floor)
around 6.50p.m...
by 7.40p.m. I'll get ready to go to my night class-Parenting
with the girl in the picture, Nini...
thanks dik for the ride...

talk about Parenting class, we have presentation since that night...
the 1st presentation was from Athirah's group...
it's about polygamy...
when we discuss about it, each and everyone of us have our own opinion...
if you asked my opinion, I preferred to keep it to myself...
and for tonight's class, the 2nd presentation from my other friend...
tonight was about Career Parents-the pros and cons being busy parents
and the effects to their children...
my group's turn:4th March and the topic will be given by Tuan Anuzi 1 week before the presentation night..

09 February 2010

Study Mode...

adik:Ala, cepatlah sikit!
dah letih posing ni...

today, no class for MM...
what should I do???
study lah...
because I've exam this Thursday...
Liyana, switch on exam mode please...

about that picture...
I'm sure gonna missed that house...
because my brother is moving to his new house...
still at Setiawangsa...
1 thing for sure, no more walking to Giant...
it's really far far away from abang's new house...
I had enough walking in Kuantan...

07 February 2010

sometimes, we judges something based on it's physical appearance...
my 1st thought when I received this orange is:
'mesti manis buah ni.'
but I'm disappointed when it is not the way I want it to be...

last Friday was my MKTG 3010K's mid sem...
I thought that I've ruined my 20% marks for mid term...
to be honest, I find that it is kind a bit difficult to perform well in this paper...

not to forget the assignments because:
I've to do marketing plan and later we received new task: 'Zero Dating poster'...
since I'm not into the area of creative thinking, I found that these works are challenging and 'killing' me...
talk about something that you're not good in...

but Alhamdulillah...
I got good marks in my mid term...
now let's focused on the assignments...
my teammates, I need your ideas...

05 February 2010


Shaikh Amir Husaini and Shaikh Ammar Qusyairi...

today is my brother's 10th wedding anniversary...
wow, 10 years old...
now he is blessed with these 2 boys...
my pray:
I want to see him always happy with his family, his work and
everything that he did in his life...
