can you guess how old I am???
actually there's more picture in my family photo album...
but I need to scan it 1st...
I'll do that when I going back to Kedah...
for the time being...
this is the only picture that I have in my laptop...
do I look different now compared to this picture???
Labels: General:Liyana
ni ko mane dapat idea nk buat entry camni nih~
cadang nak buat time cuti ni...
sbb byk pic yg aku scan dah di delete...
ni je yg still tersimpan kat dlm laptop...
tp aku bosan & xde idea utk enrty baru...
so, aku letak je pic yg ada...
comey ye... :blushing:
yg mana lg comey???
dulu ke skrg??? :p
nak kata ape lg ye???
takde dah kot...