=>29 January 1988-Aquarius... =>daughter, sister, auntie, friend, student... =>youngest from 3 siblings... =>hometown-Kulim, Kedah... =>Degree in Financial Maths with minor in Business Administration from UIA... => Master of Philosophy (coming soon)
Kuantan I'm back!!! this means that: -my semester break is over... -tomorrow is a new semester... -I'll meet my other friends from PJ(reason: extend sem)... -it'll be a hectic day tomorrow... -books, we meet again...
aku dah lupa da muka ko. huahua~ boleh? :P
*gurau jek~
tadi aku macam nampak Kembara biru kat KOS... :P
ko lupe ke???
takpelah lagipun sapelah aku ni...
nasib baik gurau...
weh, novel2 tu aku dah bawa tau...
nanti bila aku rasa cam nak mula bace novel, aku roger ko k~ :D
sekang tengah ade fokus kat mende lain. :D
teruskan memfokus pada perkara lain itu...