it's true...
when you're at the top of an admin...
macam2 bermain di fikiran...
but it's worth it when everything ends well...
you're right.
hanya jauhari yang mengenal maknikam.
kau kan, pernah jadi "seseorang" sebelum ni matrik. hehe~
seseorang tu dah jadi sejarah dalam hidup aku...
rasanya seseorang tu takkan ada lagi dah kat Kuantan ni...
seseorang tu boleh kembali jika dia mahu. take note, jika...
dan tidak mustahil untuk itu berlaku. :)
sebenarnya, seseorang tu teringin muncul di Kuantan...
dan sememangnya seseorang tu nak sangat kembali...
rasa pelik bila seseorang tu tak menonjol di sini...
tapi, entahlah susah nak cakap...
hanya insan kerdil dalam CTS je...
sekarang la masenya untuk menjadikan diri yang kerdil kepada gergasi. it starts with you :)
this entry is about who I am 3 years ago...
I joined MRC of KC for 2 consecutive years...
KC MRC stands for Mahallah Representative Committee of Khadijah College...
when I was in 1st year, I've been appointed as the Vice Secretary...
before I applied for the MRC, I was the Head of Education and Training,Hisbah Asma' Abu Bakr (level 1) for about a month...
the following year, I was the Secretary for Hisbah Safiyyah (level 8)...
at 1st, they want to appoint me as the Chairman but I refused due to some reasons...
and then I try my luck again in MRC...
I make it through the interview and they appointed me as the Chairman of KC...
it's a big responsibility for a petite girl like me...
and it's a challenge being the chairman of the largest mahallah residents in the campus...
just imagine you have to monitor 9 hisbahs...
each hisbah have 47 rooms and there's 4 person per room...
other than that, I also joined Leadership Team aka LeadTeam...
to be among the 1st batch of LeadTeam was not easy...
there's many stages that I've to go through...
1.fill in the application form, but with a condition:CGPA is 3.0 and above...
2.then when I passed the 1st stage, I got a letter to attend a written test...
the test was held at LHA at that moment...
guess what, these are some of the questions:
i.what is IIICE stands for...
ii.named the following minister(they gave the name of 4 ministries)...
iii.list down Rukun Negara... you think AUKU is relevant today???
there were about 150 students attended the written test...
3.then, they short listed in a small group of student...
again I got another letter, I need to attend an interview...
thank God my interview was really easy because of something...
better keep it to myself why it became easy... the end, I'm 1 of the top 50 successful candidates...
and all the hardship that I gone through were really worth it...
especially when I did everything on my own...
a few weeks after I registered at IIUM Kuantan...
most of my friend asked me why I didn't apply for MRC Talhah...
it's difficult to answer that question actually...
but to tell you the truth, I missed that moment...
the moment being busy with other thing besides academic...
can I be like that again, here in Kuantan???
will that seseorang do a come back at Kuantan...
honestly I don't have the answer yet...
let's just pray for the best to seseorang that I used to be 3 years ago...
perlu jawab sekarang ke???
my suggestion,ikut je instinct jepah...
nanti ada sambungan sebab masih belum habis lagi kisah tu...
kreatif ye...
dapat ilham lepas tengok GENG semalam kot~
kak, saya dah edit...
silalah baca keterangannya...
ehem, ada orang nak tolong ceritakan ke??? :P
dah edit, so kak knowlee boleh paham kot...
harap2 dapat menjawab persoalannya...
seseorang....bangkitlah kamu utk berkhidmat! =)
p/s: Berbakat rupanya kamu ini ya! Stlh smpai d sni, br tau kamu 'org bsr' juga ya suatu masa dlu. Slmt menunaikan tggjwb.
sebab saya dah biasa dengan MRC so takde masalah nak libatkan diri dengan MRC...
cuma kalau nak aktif dalam MRC Talhah, entahlah mungkin tak kot~
lagipun dah lama saya berkhidmat dengan MRC, kemungkinan besar saya akan tukar hala tuju saya di sini...
tapi semua tu masih dalam perancangan saya je...
tunggu 2nd year sama ada seseorang tu akan bangkit atau tak... :D
oh dah ada ke???
tapi rasanya saya tak aktif kot dalam MRC, tapi entahlah macam2 boleh jadi...
sekarang kata tak nak, lepas ni kata nak pulak...
btw, saya jenis yang susah nak buat keputusan...
p/s:orang besar tu dah jadi sejarah dalam hidup saya...
kat Kuantan saya ni nobody...
nape ko cakap macam tu???
ko ni buat aku T_T pagi2 macam ni...
I really mean it...
believe it or not, jepah byk tolak jwtn yg tinggi2... sbb jepah risau dgn tanggungjawab... huhuhu...
lain orang lain matlamatnya...
rasanya saya pernah tolak sekali je...
walaupun saya suka buat banyak kerja dalam 1 masa...
tapi untuk program baik saya pegang 1 jawatan je...
saya tak pernah aktif pun masa kat sekolah...
sebab tu bila masuk matrik, sekali jadi orang penting gak le dalam 1 organisasi...
p/s:ingat nak join i-Quest la sem depan... hehe~ :D
Tidak.... Tidak bermakna org xknl kita maka kita adalah nobody.
We r sumbody.
ya, baiklah...
kita somebody, bukan nobody...
awal2 belajar peringkat degree ni, banyakkan mengumpul sijil. nanti senang nak apply pinjaman belajar ke oversea. ko jugak yang kate plan nak further kat oversea kan.
kalo boleh kan, bukan setakat join prog2 peringkat kampus dan kuliyah je. tapi cari juga peluang2 pertandingan yang peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. hehehe....
*berani cakap pasal dah ade sijil2 tu :P
amboi ko pulak yang seronok lebih2...
ko masih ingat lagi pasal my future plan...
honestly, aku sungguh terharu...
pertandingan eh???
aku dah lama sangat tak masuk pertandingan...
rasanya last time aku masih pertandingan 6 tahun lepas...
pergh, dah lama giler kot~
taula ko dengan angklung, pastu yang under KOS punya pertandingan...
dah banyak kot~