when I was at UIAM Gombak, 2 years ago...
guess what???I'll be going to Gombak campus this coming short sem...InsyaAllah if there's no obstacle I'll be doing my short sem there...instead of taking LM 2016K and UNGS 2050K, yesterday I've registered manually for MGT4320: Human Resourse Management and MGT 4810: International Business...my 1st intention is to take these subjects but since there's no news about it yet, I decided to register for the minors...the short sem is from 3rd May until 28th June...it means that I only have 2 weeks holidays before and after the short sem...like what abang said here,"nothing come close to this experience."
that's why I'm starting to enjoy my life as a student...
nape pulak???
don't tell me life kat sana tak macam kat sini...
tak caya tanya kema. dia baru bape hari, dah ngadu kot~
Welcome to Gombak!
Boleh la jumpa nanti!!!
Akak kat Engineering building jeee...
tanya Kema???
aku cuma silent reader kat blog dia je...
ingatkan sama kot~
nama pun UIA...
nampaknye tak jadi la...
tunggu cerita terbaru dalam entry akan datang...
sedih tau kena cancel...
UIA Gombak best! I completed my undergrad there...ehehe.
ada sebab kena cancel...
nantikan kisahnya...
bukan rezeki saya kot~