Liyana, kau ni
left handed ke right handed???
to all my friends and seniors...
"nanti kalau aku dah nak kahwin, aku jemputlah..."*that will be like, 9 years from now or maybe more...
because of Ruby's wedding, everyone starts to ask who's next...
please don't asked me anymore about this...
my parents are going to kill me for this...
kau gila ke, abah hantar masuk U untuk belajar bukan cari pakwe!!!I even made a promise to my parents...
so I'm going to keep my promise to them...
p/s:don't get me wrong, I still like my life and current status...
new proverb from Liyana:
berkawan biar ramai, berkasih belum tentu lagi... related entries:
I'm Single and I Like It...Is Look Really Important...
just do whatever that make u happy... =)
i'm also happy with my current status... hehehe
ko kawen nanti jgn lupa jemput aku tau...ngee~hehhe
aku pun happy single..freedom!!ahaks~
sama2 la kita happy... :D
ni lagi sorang...
iye, baik!!!
post kat mana2 pun boley...
tapi no offense pada kawan2 aku yang tak single...
lain orang lain pendapat dia...
thanks... (^_^)
tolong elaborate what do you mean by 'Zaki camne'???