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last semester, 1 of my old friends from primary school ym me...we've been friends since 1999(we were in Standard 5)...currently he's studying in Johor...we talk about almost everything...our old friends, our campus life and suddenly he said..."eh boyfriend kau tak kisah ke kau ym dengan aku?""hahaha~ boyfriend?""eh takkan kau takde?""wei, aku masih Liyana yang ko kenal 10 tahun dulu lah.""kau jangan main-main dengan aku, takkan orang cantik macam kau takde boyfriend?""cantik? banyaklah kau punya cantik.""betullah.""kalau aku kata memang takde, kau nak percaya ke?"for those who followed this blog, I did put the entry about my status a few months ago...I didn't meant to tell the whole world about this thing actually...
even sometimes my aunts asked the same question...
it's just that:-is it really important to have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now???-looks like nowadays it's sort of like a compulsary for us to have someone 'special'...those who knows me, they know that I'm not into this kind of thing...
right now I'm really happy to be with Mr. Asus Grey...the laptop that mama bought 2 months after my enrollment in PJ...
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Asus alien say hi to you... (^_^)
depend on the view of the person...
for me, it is definitely NOT important yet for the time being...
but for someone else, it is maybe important for him/her...
Jadikan study tu boyfriend kita.
setuju sangat...
ala, macam yang pernah kita sembang dulu kat ym...
memang nak jadi macam kak tie pun...
enjoy student life dengan kawan2 dulu...
bagi mereka yang dah ada...
ber'kekasih' bukan 1 masalah pun...
but then, it actually depends on the individual...
kalau rasa macam membebankan, jadi macam saya sudah...
boleh je hang out dengan sapa2 tanpa mengguris hati seseorang...