01 January 2008

New Year New Resolution

We’re now in the year 2008...

New Year new resolution...
I just wonder why we should have new resolution every time it is New Year.
For me, New Year is just a "new year"...
maybe some people did not realize that every day is a new day...
I always told myself that when it comes to a new day, it is a new challenge and new experience to gain from my daily activities...
but I admit that people want to do their best and want to do make their life much better from the previous year...
I was like that a long time ago before I realize one thing...
why must wait until New Year???
Then I got the answer, because it is "new year"...
to all my friends from SMKSB 01-05 and UIA PJ especially Physical Science 06-08, Happy New Year 2008...
We’ll always keep in touch...


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