I was alone with Mr. Asus Grey today...2nd day at Gombak, I woke up at 8.00 a.m...
most of my friends went out around 11a.m...
although they did invited me to follow them, but I'm kind a bit lazy to go out...
so, I choose to stay at the room...
I spent most of the time in front of the laptop and sleeping...
in the afternoon, I received a text message from
looks like I'll have a visitor today...
around 6.00 p.m, me and Teha meet him near the mahallah office...
he tooks us for a tour around the campus and then we went for a dinner...
by 7.30p.m., Teha and I were already at the mahallah...
to Zaki, thanks for the visit...
p/s: am I going to like Gombak???
we'll see...