we all have our own target...
it's kind a bit like resolution I guess...
maybe the different is resolution is made during new year, and may took the whole year to achieve it or to see the result...
target is something that we can achieve in short terms...
that's my point of view...
other people would have their own way to interpret these 2 words...
without a further delay, let see at my target and resolution this years...
1. have a mp4 player
2. recreated a blog
3. further my study at Kuantan, almost there...
4. try to write something...
my brother suggested that I write something, it can be a novel, short novel(nopen) or even short story(cerpen)...
can I do it, even if it's not this year, can I write???
I don't know until I tried, maybe one day...
just like this blog, I've created it on 06, but then I did some 'renovation' on this blog on December 07...
wow, that tooks me almost 1 1/2 years before I really blogging...
maybe the same thing will happened to the writing thing...5. read a lot, and at the same time do some novel collection since I've nothing else to do right now...
my target, I can have a complete novel collection from a few novelis' and book publisher in 4 years from now...
why 4 years???
having a book collection needs a lot of money and a lots of time to read...
I don't want to buy the novel but I want to read it as well...
furthemore, being a student means that lack of time and maybe money too...
unless you're from a wealthy family and you have a very good time management...
Labels: General:Liyana, My Thoughts