I don't think that I can have a fabulous day...born in a small family makes me more closed to my siblings...
it's hard to let go someone that you really love and care...
someone who knows you inside and outside...
but you have to since they have their own life...
and now, I'm happy because both of them are happy with their life...
previously, I never thought that I can survive in Kuantan, but the truth is I'm wrong!!!
despite the monsoon season in Kuantan that I'm not really comfortable with
(duh what can I say, I'm the Gadis Kedah)...
I really like Kuantan better than PJ...
but Kulim will always be the best in my heart...
sometimes, I think that I'm strong but the truth is I'm not...
this sem, my big brother will be graduating...
next year, 2 of my beloved sisters will be graduating...
and the next year after that, my other 2 brothers and a sister will be graduating...
will my junior feel sad during my last semester at Kuantan???
I'm just an ordinary girl that appreciate things around me...
when I'm comfortable with someone and something...
it's hard for me to let it go when the time is come...
just wondering, am I strong enough to say 'Good Bye' to all???
my roommates, my coursemates, my friends, my campus life, my family...
p/s: I don't need to mention any names here...
you-know-who I meant...
Adat hidup manusia la dik...
Kadang2 suka yang A, kdg2 suka yg B.
Apapun b strong k!
p/s: Msk la martial art kalo nk strong. =P LOL! He5
martial arts ye...
pernah terfikir tapi ntahle...
tak juga join...
owh itu sangat general kalau ditanya: HOW?
wah, you're really confident with your words aren't you...
hopefully I'll meet those great people...
make myself great in terms of what???
friendship, leadership, as a senior-to-be or etc???
hmmm, I don't know...
I mean what can people get from knowing me???
ok, so it's up to them to decide what they get from knowing me...
hmmm, how about you???
how would you describe me???