Labels: Academic, Friends, General:Liyana, UIA
Labels: Academic, Friends, General:Liyana, UIA
Labels: Academic, Family, Friends, General:Liyana, UIA
Labels: Friends, General:Liyana, UIA
Labels: Family
Pada suatu hari ada sekumpulan katak-katak kecil yang berlumba-lumba...
Tujuannya adalah mencapai puncak sebuah menara yang sangat tinggi...Penonton berkumpul bersama mengelilingi menara untuk menyaksikan perlumbaan dan memberikan semangat kepada para peserta...
Perlumbaan pun dimulakan...
Lebih banyak lagi katak kecil penat dan menyerah...
Semua katak kecil yang lain ingin tahu bagaimana katak ini boleh melakukannya???
Labels: Academic, Family, Friends, General:Liyana
Labels: Family, Friends, General:Liyana
Labels: General:Liyana
You Are the Communicator |
![]() You are a collector and facilitator of knowledge. You love storytelling and teaching. You light up when you're around other people, and you especially light up in front of a crowd. You are a charismatic person who's genuinely a joy to be with. You remind others to have fun. You love life, and you're wake up grateful for every new day. This attitude makes the people around you love life as well. |
Labels: Just For Fun
Labels: Academic, General:Liyana, UIA
Labels: Friends
001. Name → Siti Nurliyana...
002. Nickname(s)→ Liyana, Yana....
004. Zodiac sign → aquarius...
005. Male or female → female...
006. Elementary → SK Tunku Abdul Malik...
007. Middle School → SMK Sultan Badlishah...
008. High School → SMK Sultan Badlishah...
009. College School → CFS IIUM PJ, IIUM Kuantan...
010. Hair color → dark brown...
011. Long or short → really long...
012. Loud or Quiet → depends...
013. Sweats or Jeans → sweats...
014. Phone or Camera → both...
015. Health freak → maybe...
016. Drink or Smoke? → neither...
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → crush no, crash yeah...
018. Eat or Drink → both...
019. Piercings → yes...
020. Tattoos → never...
023. First piercing → when I was 4 years old.
024. First best friend → Nadzirah Nadzri...
025. First award → best student(2nd place) from 3 Kejora...
026. First crush → crash ada le...
027. First pet → Tam, my black cat...
028. First big vacation → Langkawi...
030. First big birthday → 21st birthday...
049. Eating → nothing....
050. Drinking → nothing...
052. I'm about to → do the book review for UNGS 2040K...
053. Listening to → My Girl-Never Say Good Bye...
054. Plans for today → finish the assignments...
055. Waiting for → the mood...
058. Want kids? → not sure...
059. Want to get married? → can I opt for no???
060. Careers in mind → Gabenor Bank Negara...
068. Lips or eyes → eyes... 070. Shorter or taller? → taller...
072. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous...
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → whatever...
074. Sensitive or loud → both...
075. Hook-up or relationship → does it matter???
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → average...
080. Lost glasses/contacts → glasses-never, contacts-several time but manage to find it...
081. Ran away from home → never...
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → never...
083. Killed somebody → never...
084. Broken someone's heart → several times...
085. Been arrested → never...
087. Cried when someone died → never...
089. Yourself → always...
090. Miracles → yes...
091. Love at first sight → no...
092. Heaven → yes...
093. Santa Claus → no...
094. Tooth Fairy → no...
095. Kiss on the first date → no...
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yes...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → almost all of the time...
099. Do you believe in God → yes...
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→ I'll never tagged anybody...
Labels: Academic, General:Liyana
Labels: UIA
Labels: Friends
Labels: General:Liyana, UIA